Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Dates Across the Big Pond

If you have read any of my other posts, you know that my husband travels a lot! So, when he is gone, I try to be creative on ways to keep in touch.

I love the Instagram App/Social Media. I decided to do something fun with it for Matthew on one of his long trips last fall since he uses it as well.  For those who aren't familiar with Instagram, it is a way to connect with friends and family through pictures.  You post a picture and then tell about it and share it.  I love to take photos of all kinds of things.  If you want to follow me, you can request to and you can find me under tracysdavison.

So this is my first pic which I typed in notes on my phone and then screenshotted it so I could post it on Instagram:
Lots of my friends got a kick out of the G rated disclaimer.
Here are my other days in order with the caption I put with them:
Day 1: I miss drinking an evening cup of coffee with you.
Day 2: I miss sitting in front of our electric heater with you on this cold day.
Day 3: I miss cooking with you.
Day 4: I miss walking downtown with you.

Day 5: I miss spending time with you and these people!

Day 6: I miss having you beside me while we hear about what God is doing through Gena in Scotland.

Day 7: I miss tucking these two in with you.

Day 8: I miss snuggling up to you in bed and watching Downton Abbey.
Just because we aren't in the same town, or even the same country, it doesn't mean that we can't have dates!  I love doing these cute things for Matthew, and I hope to share more ideas with you in the future that will help those who have a spouse who travels.