I am so sorry that I haven't posted lately. I need a new cord for my laptop. :( I am borrowing a computer now so that I can type this post. :)
Today is Mother's Day in the United States, and some other countries. I know that the United Kingdom celebrated mothers in March, but we are just now celebrating, and I want to say Happy Mother's Day to all of those moms out there. God has blessed you with children for you to raise and nurture and to teach them about Him. Those of you who are not moms yet or never will be, remember that God wants you to teach those younger than you about Him as well. You are just as important!!!
So, in the spirit of Mother's Day, I decided to right about a family date. I think that it is important to block out time for the family. For Christmas, the girls got a trampoline. We were told not to set it up until warmer weather. Therefore, Matthew put it up during Spring Break, and the girls have enjoyed every moment of it!! Matthew and I have also enjoyed it. We make time to go out there with the girls to jump. We do a lot of jumping, but what I enjoy the most, is all the great family conversations.
Today, while on the trampoline, I was able to talk to the girls about what they learned at church this morning. I asked them about Christianity and why we worship God. They could answer every question, but I challenged them to look at God as our Creator and Father. They were able to tell me that they didn't want to go to Hell and that is why they want to be Christians, but after I asked them to think about God as Creator and Father, they said they wanted to be a Christian so they could be with Him.
Oh, I love our family time on the trampoline. Other conversations have revolved around school, friends, and even tv shows that they like to watch. Another great thing about our time on the trampoline is that it has been a great addition to our exercise routine.
Here are some pics to enjoy!
Yikes!! I almost forgot pointers! Not everyone has a trampoline. So here are my pointers for family dates at home. Find something that interest your children that you already have at home. If you have teenagers and a pool, go out there and swim with them. If you have a swing set, go swing your children. Maybe you have children that like sports, go out there and throw/kick the baseball, football, soccer ball, volleyball, or basketball. Just find something that you can do outdoors for exercise and family fun. I know, there are things that can be done indoors too, but I'll save that for a different post. ;-)